How to create a roundup article

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Create a Product Roundup Article with Gizzmo

Step 1: Navigate to the "Products Roundup" Tab

Start by going to the "Products Roundup" tab on your Gizzmo dashboard.

Products Roundup" tab on the Gizzmo dashboard.

Step 2: Add Products for Your Roundup

Add between three and ten products that you want to feature in your roundup article. You can use the Gizzmo Chrome extension to import more products from Amazon if needed.

Step 3: Prepare the Products

Once you've added the desired products, click the "Prepare" button. This action will analyze and gather information about the products.

Products Roundup" tab on the Gizzmo dashboard.

Step 4: Organize Your Products

You can change the order of the products in your roundup by dragging and dropping them. The featured image for your article will be taken from the first product, but you can change this by clicking on the "Change Featured Image" button.

reordering products and changing the featured image.

Step 5: Add Affiliate Tag and SEO Keyword

Remember to select an affiliate tag from the list for tracking purposes and enter an SEO keyword for better visibility in search engine results.

add the affiliate tag and SEO keyword.

Step 6: Create Your Roundup Post

Finally, click on "Create Roundup Post." Gizzmo will then generate a draft of your roundup article in your WordPress posts.

"Create Roundup Post" button

Step 7: Review and Publish

Go to your WordPress drafts to review your new post. Gizzmo automatically creates article tags and assigns the article to the relevant category on your site. You can edit the draft further or publish it immediately.

And there you have it! You've created a product roundup article using Gizzmo. This step-by-step guide should provide you with all the details you need to use Gizzmo to create roundup articles. If you have any further questions or need more assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. Happy content creation with Gizzmo!

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